
“Taking it Seriously: Commitments to the Environment in South-South PTAs’ (2021), in Environmental Politics
(with Gabriele Spilker) [open access]

"Trade policy in a “GVC World”: Multinational corporations and trade liberalization" (2020), in Business and Politics, 22
(4), 639 - 666. (with Christina Anderer and Andreas Dür) [open access]

"Was heißt und zu welchem Ende betreibt man juristische Netzwerkanalyse? Eine neue Methode in der
Verfassungsrechtsvergleichung" (2020), in Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht, (5), 857-884. (with Lando Kirchmair) [gated

"The trend towards more and stricter non-trade issues in preferential trade agreements" (2019), in "The Shifting
Landscape of Global Trade Governance". Eds. Manfred Elsig and Gabriele Spilker. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. [gated version]

’Bargaining Positions, Institutional Design and the Duration of Preferential Trade Negotiations’ (2018), in International
Interactions, 44 (5), 833-861. (with Simon Wüthrich). Media coverage: Negotiation duration data used for article in the
Economist ‘After Brexit, which trade deals should negotiators prioritise? [gated version | prepint]

"Good for some, bad for others: US investors and non-trade issues in preferential trade agreements" (2018), in Review of
International Organizations, 13(2): 163-187. [gated version | preprint]

"Mapping the trade and environment nexus: Insights from a new dataset" (2017), in Global Environmental Politics, 18(1):
122-139. (with Andreas Dür and Jean-Frédéric Morin) [gated version]

’The domestic battle over the design of non-trade issues in preferential trade agreements’ (2016), in Review of
International Political Economy, 23 (5), 840-871. Media coverage: Article mentioned in Washington Post: ‘Does
globalization hurt poor workers? It’s complicated’ [gated version | prepint]

"Business Interests and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership " (2015), in The Politics of Transatlantic Trade
Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World. Eds. Jean-Frédéric Morin, Novotna Tereza, Ponjaert Frederik and Mario Telo.
London: Ashgate, p. 69-80 (with Andreas Dür). [preprint]